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3 Reasons Why You Need That Dead Tree Removed Right Now

September 21, 2023

Not only are trees important for the environment, but they can improve almost any property with their existence. However, when a tree dies, it's important to contact a tree service and have them remove the tree as soon as possible. According to Ready For Wildfire, dead trees pose a significant risk as they can allow fires to spread faster, especially in environments with these three conditions: dry, hot, and drought-stricken. Here are three additional reasons why you need to get rid of the tree.

1. Pests Can Make It Their Home

Termites will take one glance at a dead tree before making it their home. Having such a hospitable space allows for the colony to grow in size. Eventually, they may outgrow the tree and decide to invade your home. The same goes for carpenter ants. Save yourself any potential aggravation and have a tree service come get the dead tree off your property.

2. Falling Trees Cause Damage

Once a tree dies, it loses a great deal of the stability that once kept it upright and rooted. You may start to even visibly see this if it begins to lean. Should a tree fall, it could cause significant damage to your property or your neighbor's. Even worse, that tree could result in injuries for anyone standing too close. Our experts agree the sort of damage caused by the tree will be more expensive than calling a tree removal service.

3. Tree Disease Can Spread

If your tree died due to disease, there's a good chance that it's contagious. The best thing to do is get the dead tree out of the area. You'll want to treat the illness before it can spread throughout your property. Otherwise, you could have a disastrous landscape of dead trees. 

No matter the cause of your tree's death, once it's removed from your property, you'll have a fresh plot to work with. You can use that space to plant a new tree. Our experts agree that a well-maintained landscape, including trees, can positively impact your land's property value.

Do you happen to have a dead tree that you need to be removed? Here at Marble Tree Service, our team of licensed experts offers a host of tree service options for your home. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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